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Jenna Sudol

Jenna Sudol grew up on a horse farm in Hanover County, Virginia  and graduated from Patrick Henry High School in 2013. She was fortunate enough to attend her dream college, Virginia Tech, where she studied public relations and animal science. While at Virginia Tech, Jenna was a member of the Equestrian Club, Sigma Alpha and Block & Bridle and took advantage of a number of internships to gain experience in agricultural marketing and communication, which was her desired career path. Following graduation from Virginia Tech in 2017, Jenna was offered a graduate teaching assistantship at Radford University, which she accepted and completed her master’s degree in strategic communication in 2019. During her spring semester of grad school, Jenna received a job offer to join the marketing team at Farm Credit of the Virginias, specializing in digital media. She celebrated her 5-year anniversary at Farm Credit of the Virginias in February 2024.

“The VALOR program has been on my radar for a number of years as I have seen friends and colleagues participate in the program and come away from the experience with a valuable support network and insight which they put to work to advance agriculture in the Commonwealth and beyond. I am both excited and proud to join the seventh cohort of the VALOR program.”