Chad Martin
Chad Martin was elected to Martinsville City Council on November 8, 2016 and began his four year term on January 3, 2017. Vice Mayor Chad Martin graduated from Carlisle School in 1997, is a graduate of Shaw University with a bachelor’s degree in Religion & Philosophy; he studied at Shaw University Divinity School, he holds a Duke University certification in nonprofit management, a Leadership Plenty Train the Trainer Facilitator, (MVP) mentors in violence prevention train the trainer, and University of Virginia/Center for Disease Control certification as a Lifestyle Coach. Vice Mayor Martin has worked in the nonprofit world for over 15 years as a community organizer, Hunger Justice Leader for Bread for the World, volunteer coordinator for the women’s shelter, CASA volunteer, suicide hotline trainer, Crisis Intervention Trainer for several law enforcement agencies, Vice-President of The Martin Luther King Jr. planning council, Good News Prison Ministry, reentry council, History United Advisory Council, Board member for Girls Scouts and many more. Martin is currently working in the Martinsville Commonwealth Attorney’s office. He is a current 2018-2020 Virginia Tech VALOR Fellow, 2017-2018 Roanoke City works Xpo Fellow, DC ’17 Starting Bloc Fellow, and 2016-2017 Middle Border Forward Fellow. He has spent the majority of his life in service to others and hopes one day someone can report that they have benefited from his help.